This is the place where information for the members of the KCS only will be displayed. If you have any info you would like to pass on to the other members of the KCS, send an e-Mail to "".

Scott provided a link to practise files. You can reach them by clicking HERE

Here is the form that is required to be filled out by the members for the coming season.
Membership form

Here are the recordings of the rehearsal on January 6, 2025

Rehearsal January 6, 2025 part 1
Rehearsal January 6, 2025 part 2

Here are the recordings of our concert on December 7, 2024. This is an uncut version recorded with my little recorder

Concert December 7, 2024 part 1

Concert December 7, 2024 part 2

There is a video posted on YouTube of our performance of the Fauré requiem.
You can watch it by clicking HERE

Youtube is a very good source for help with the music. Just click on Youtube. And type in the title and composer and search.

AK Player

The AKPlayer software is a very usefull piece of freeware to play MIDI files to help learn music. It can be downloaded or executed by clicking on the link below. I suggest that you download so that you do not need to be connected to the Net to play MIDI files. Store the executable file on your hard drive and double click on the AKoffPlr.exe file name when it is displayed by your File manager. Alternatively you can create an ICON on your desktop and double click on it to start the AK Player. The AK Player can be used to play MIDI files in different ways. You can click on solo to hear just your part or play all tracks together. It is pretty straight forward after you start the program and open the file you want to play.

AK Player software
